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January 10, 2025

Ticketing Terms

Ticketing Terms

Black Tie Tailgate Ticketing Terms

Updated 10/24/2024
Each ticket admits one person andis valid for Friday, January 10, 2025 only.

No refunds or exchanges.

Do not duplicate. Each ticket has a unique bar code that will be scanned at the event entrance. Each ticket will scan only once. If for any reason a copy of the ticket is made, the first scanned ticket to arrive at the event will be allowed entry, while the second ticket with the same bar code will be denied access. Event staff can verify the legitimate buyer by checking photo ID. All customers should bring a credit card and photo ID to the event.

Ticketholder assumes all responsibilities for any risk of bodily harm or loss of property sustained while attending this event, and waives all rights to lay claim for damages resulting from any cause whatsoever either before, during or after the event.

The 2025 Philadelphia Auto Show Black Tie Tailgate is an open, public event. Professional photographers and local reporters will be present taking pictures and audio/visual footage at the event. These images may be used, without further notification, at a later date to market the Black Tie Tailgate (“BTT”) and Philadelphia Auto Show. By purchasing this ticket, you consent to the use of your image by the Auto Dealers Association of Greater Philadelphia (“ADAGP”) or the Auto Dealers CARing for Kids Foundation (“ADCKF”) to market or promote the BTT and Philadelphia Auto Show. Any photos or videos taken at BTT are for the sole use of the ADCFK and the ADAGP for promotional purposes. For-profit activity conducted by others before, during or after the event, using photographic, video or other images of the BTT or the delivery of these images to others for profit purposes, without the express written consent of the ADCFK or ADAGP is strictly prohibited and will subject the violator and affiliated entities to being barred from future Auto Shows and BTTs and to civil prosecution for money damages in the amount of all income realized by unauthorized use of video and photography, plus attorneys’ fees, and an injunction.

Solicitation of show exhibitors is strictly prohibited.

  • Producer

  • Auto Dealers CARing for Kids Foundation

January 10, 2025